CSIS 626 Project: Populating the Database

If you have installed the database prior to 12/02/2004 (Phase 2), you will need to reinstall the database due to the following changes:
(To uninstall prior database: mysql>DROP DATABASE GRAD_DEGREE)

  1. Save these files into your project work directory:
    Student.txt   CoursesTaken.txt   Courses.txt   Programs.txt     Requirements.txt   Prerequisites.txt
    (These files have been tweaked to ensure one tab between each column for mysql to load into the tables correctly.)

    (This is the mysql script file that creates the database, tables and loads the data into the tables.)

  2. At Command Prompt of work directory
       C:\CSIS626>mysql < graddb.sql

  3. This will have created a database named GRAD_DEGREE and the following tables: Students, CoursesTaken, Courses, Programs, Requirements and Prerequisites.

Required Queries

  1. Retrieving the password and degree of a particular student

  2. Retrieving courses taken by a particular student sorted by course number (ascending)

  3. Retrieving courses taken by a particular student sorted by date taken (ascending)

  4. Retrieving required courses for program a particular student is in

  5. Retrieving optional courses for program a particular student is in

  6. Retrieving number of optional courses required for program a particular student is in

  7. Retrieving required courses not taken by a particular student

  8. Retrieving optional courses not taken by a particular student

  9. Retrieving number of optional course taken by a particular student

  10. Retrieving prerequisites for a particular course

  11. Retrieving planned courses for a particular student