CSIS 541 Project: Rev 2.0
  1. Created table for storing our keyword count.

  2. Save these files in C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19\webapps\searchengine
       index.html   searchengine.jsp

  3. Save this file in C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19\webapps\searchengine\WEB-INF

  4. Save these files in C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19\webapps\searchengine\WEB-INF\classes\searchengine
       SearchResultBean.java   DataSourceBean.java    WordCounter.java
Don't forget to COMPILE the *.java files!

Program Description

  1. The program takes in as input a URL.

  2. It then checks to see if it is a valid URL.

  3. If invalid URL, error message is displayed and user can try again.

  4. If URL is valid, it will save the page to a text file named inputpage.txt.
    (Stored in C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19\bin).

  5. It then connects to the database and checks to see if URL is already in database.

  6. If URL already exists in database, goto 8.

  7. If URL does not exist in database, the program calls the WordConter program to count the keyword occurence on that page and saves the results into the database.

  8. It then extracts all the pages (URLS) stored in the database and displays them on the results page.