Mirabilia - Miss New Year's Fairy Limited Edition Kit


Mirabilia - Miss New Year's Fairy

Mirabilia - Miss New Year's Fairy Mirabilia - Miss New Year's Fairy Mirabilia - Miss New Year's Fairy Fairy
12/03/2008 01/06/2009 02/01/2009 04/24/2010

Date Started: 11/26/2008
Date Completed: Sometime in April 2009?

Fabric: 32 ct Natural Linen from Zweigart
Dimensions: 6.25" x 8.25"

Had not touched cross-stitching in a really long time. Decided to plunge right back in over the Thanksgiving holidays.

Only the beading left. And yes, I do see a strand of hair laying across the fairy. Rest assured it is not sewn in. :)

Finished it I think in April 2009, but never got around to scanning it in. The computer that the scanner is hooked up with, went belly up (bad power supply) and we just never got around to fixing it till recently. So yesterday I finally scanned her in, and promptly took her to the framers.