Finished Projects:

Mirabilia - Miss New Year's Fairy Miss New Year's Fairy

Title: Mirabilia - Miss New Year's Fairy
Fabric: 32 ct Natural Linen from Zweigart
Dimensions: 6.25" x 8.25"

Date Started: November 26, 2008
Date Completed: April, 2009

My progress pics


Alma Lynne - Clementine Clothcollector Mom

Title: Alma Lynne - Sassy Stitchers: Clementine Clothcollector
Fabric: 32 ct

Date Started: July 1, 2005
Date Completed: November 25, 2007

Stitched this as a Christmas present for my MIL.


Mirabilia - Miss Valentine Mirabilia - Miss Valentine

Title: Mirabilia - Miss Valentine
Fabric: 32 ct Natural Linen from Zweigart
Dimensions: 6.25" x 8.25"

Date Started: February 14, 2007
Date Completed: September 5, 2007

My progress pics


Mirabilia - Halloween Fairy Mirabilia - Halloween Fairy

Title: Mirabilia - Halloween Fairy
Fabric: 32 ct Natural Linen from Zweigart
Dimensions: 6.75" x 7.25"

Date Started: September 7, 2006
Date Completed: October 23, 2006

My progress pics


Mirabilia - Easter Fairy Mirabilia - Easter Fairy

Title: Mirabilia - The Easter Fairy
Fabric: 32 ct Natural Linen from Zweigart
Dimensions: 5.5" x 7.25"

Date Started: June 16, 2006
Date Completed: July 22, 2006

My progress pics


Mirabilia - The Christmas Elf Fairy Mirabilia - The Christmas Elf Fairy

Title: Mirabilia - The Christmas Elf Fairy
Fabric: 32 ct Natural Linen from Zweigart
Dimensions: 5.5" x 7.75"

Date Started: April 11, 2006
Date Completed: May 21, 2006

My progress pics


Snowy Night Skater

Title: Kreinik Freebie - Snowy Night Skater (Designed by Lulu Chang of Wooly Dreams)
Dimensions: 4" x 4"

Date Started: March 16, 2006
Date Completed: April 9, 2006

This is my contribution to a memorial quilt for Laura Watkiss aka Laura Leigh, a member of the Mirabilia bulletin board I frequent. The original design has been modified slightly to meet the requirements of 4" x 4" and to include the letterings.


January (Garnet) Fairy January (Garnet) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (January-Garnet) Freebie
Dimensions: 4" x 4.5"

Date Started: February 1, 2006
Date Completed: March 8, 2006


December (Zircon) Fairy December (Zircon) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (December-Zircon) Freebie
Dimensions: 3.75" x 4.5"

Date Started: November 11, 2005
Date Completed: December 9, 2005


November (Topaz) Fairy November (Topaz) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (November-Topaz) Freebie
Dimensions: 3.25" x 4.25"

Date Started: September 21, 2005
Date Completed: October 4, 2005


Precious Moments - Praise The Lord Anyhow Precious Moments - Praise The Lord Anyway

Title: Precious Moments - Praise The Lord Anyhow

Date Started: Don't remember (undocumented)
Date Completed: August 3, 2005

I don't remember when I started this or when I first completed it. Then it was put away in the drawer while I waited for the perfect person to give it to. Then my friend had his baby boy so I stitched the name and details as a birth announcement.


October (Tourmaline) Fairy October (Tourmaline) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (October-Tourmaline) Freebie
Dimensions: 3.75" x 4.25"

Date Started: June 20, 2005
Date Completed: June 29, 2005


Mirabilia - The Kiss Mirabilia - The Kiss Mirabilia - The Kiss

Title: Mirabilia - The Kiss
Dimensions: 9" x 21.75"

Date Started: Sometime in 2002
Date Completed: April 16, 2005

This is my first Mirabilia. It's now hanging in our bedroom. The second picture is pieced together from 2 scans. My scanner wasn't long enough! My progress pics (includes conversions)


Ark, Friendship Opens All Doors, This Place is a Zoo!

Title: Unknown - "Ark", Needlemagic Inc - "Friendship Opens All Doors", The New Berlin Co - "This Place is a Zoo"
Dimensions: "Ark" - 2" x 2.5", "House" - 2" x 2", "Zoo" - 2.5" x 2.5"

Date Started: March 22, 2005
Date Completed: March 25, 2005

This set of ornaments was given to me Christmas 2004. The Ark and House ornament were already completed (presumed by my DH when he was younger) and the torso of the monkey in the Zoo ornament had been completed. Thus, the start and end dates refer to the time taken for completing the Zoo ornament.


Sesame Street - Surprise!

Title: Janlynn - "Sesame Street - Surprise"
Dimensions: 5" x 7"

Date Started: March 8, 2005
Date Completed: March 22, 2005

As with "So Many Tools" this was started by my BIL (approximately 60 stitches near the mouth). This is a gift for a friend who has a young daughter who loves Elmo.


Design Works - So Many Tools

Title: Design Works - "So Many Tools"
Dimensions: 11" x 14"

Date Started: January 25, 2005
Date Completed: February 19, 2005

My BIL started this (approximately half of it was done) I don't know how long ago. And it languished as a UFO. Was given to me Christmas 2004, and I finished it for him. :)


September (Sapphire) Fairy September (Sapphire) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (September-Sapphire) Freebie
Dimensions: 4" x 4.5"

Date Started: August 22, 2004
Date Completed: September 1, 2004


August (Peridot) Fairy August (Peridot) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (August-Peridot) Freebie
Dimensions: 3.75" x 4.5"

Date Started: August 6, 2004
Date Completed: August 14, 2004


July (Ruby) Fairy July (Ruby) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (July-Ruby) Freebie
Dimensions: 3.75" x 4.5"

Date Started: June 25, 2004
Date Completed: July 10, 2004


June (Pearl) Fairy June (Pearl) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (June-Pearl) Freebie
Dimensions: 4" x 4.5"

Date Started: May 27, 2004
Date Completed: June 3, 2004


May (Emerald) Fairy May (Emerald) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (May-Emerald) Freebie
Dimensions: 3.5" x 4.25"

Date Started: April 19, 2004
Date Completed: May 1, 2004


April (Diamond) Fairy April (Diamond) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (April-Diamond) Freebie
Dimensions: 4" x 4.5"

Date Started: March 21, 2004
Date Completed: March 27, 2004


March (Aquamarine) Fairy March (Aquamarine) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (March-Aquamarine) Freebie
Dimensions: 4" x 4.5"

Date Started: February 20, 2004
Date Completed: February 28, 2004

Wasn't sure I would be able to complete her before March rolled around.


February (Amethyst) Fairy February (Amethyst) Fairy

Title: Vermillion Stitchery - Birthstone Fairy (February-Amethyst) Freebie
Dimensions: 4" x 4.5"

Date Started: January 18, 2004
Date Completed: January 24, 2004

Will be hanging her in my bathroom when February rolls around. Plan to work on the other months as well.


Strawberry Kitchen Towel

Title: Judy Chrispens - Strawberry Kitchen Towel Freebie
Dimensions: 7" x 2"

Date Started: January 15, 2004
Date Completed: January 17, 2004

Printed this pattern off the web a long time ago. This is a gift for my MIL's birthday. As such, her initials have been added to the towel.


Dogs of Duckport

Title: Dogs of Duckport
Dimensions: 15" x 10"

Date Started: Sometime in 2002
Date Completed: December 28, 2003

Christmas gift kit from MIL. Took a year due to wedding, work and school.


Precious Moments

Title: Precious Moments (from Book Soda-liscious)

Date Started: Sometime in 2002
Date Completed: Sometime in 2002

Am rather proud of this one since I modified the groom's clothes into a tuxedo complete with a bow tie as well as to make him bald and wearing glasses. (This is made for a friend, and I was trying to match it as close as possible.) Had added my friend's name and wedding date but failed to take a picture of that before giving it away.

These are the ones in which I have no idea when it was started or completed.

Janlynn - Guardian Angel Candamar - Silent Journey
Guardian Angel
Silent Journey
Tiger and Cubs Tiger and Cubs
Tiger and Cubs Tiger and Cubs (Framed)
Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Wizard Bookmark
Bookmarks (have made 2 other identical angel bookmarks
that have been given away. Have also made one of a fox
with the word fables in it, but gave away before taking a picture)
from C.R.O.S.S. M.Y. H.E.A.R.T. Mark That Spot

These are the ones in which I have given away without first taking a picture. So these, pictures are just to show what they look like, so you can't click on them to see a bigger picture. Incidentally, these were my first cross-stitch projects.

Love One Another Soda-Liscious Love Is Kind Sharing Our Christmas Together
Precious Moments
Love One Another
Precious Moments
Our Friendship is
Precious Moments
Love Is Kind
Precious Moments
Sharing Our Christmas Together
New Little One
New Little One Growth Chart